Supra-Testosterone 500 mg/ml
Supra-Testosterone 500mg/ml combines four androgenic anabolic testosterone esters (AAS): 30 mg propionate, 120 mg phenylpropionate, 120 mg isocaproate, and 100 mg testosterone decanoate.
Every type of testosterone is released at different periods. Combining the four esters, you quickly get testosterone from short-acting esters and slowly from long-acting esters.
Testosterone is an excellent bodybuilding chemical, which is why bodybuilders and sportsmen love Supra-Testosterone 500mg/ml (Sustanon 500) and why many wanting to boost their testosterone.
How it works
Among males, testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone, produced by testicles, however in some cases it isn’t. The Sustanon Test 500 steroid helps men overcome their testosterone deficit.
Proper Use and Dosage
Bodybuilders usually use Test 500 for bulking. Sustanon doses for novices and long-time users vary. In a conservative Sustanon cycle, the smallest dose is 500 mg, which is also excellent for beginners.
At this stage, muscular gain and performance increase. Few users will have negative effects at this dose. Intermediate-cycle users increase Sustanon to 750 mg per week.
Users may encounter adverse effects at this dose level, although they are treatable. Aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole and estrogen receptor modulators like tamoxifen can prevent high-dose side effects of these steroids for sale.
Some of the potential benefits that come with using Sustanon include:
- Nitrogen retention, which helps boost muscle growth and create proteins.
- Sustanon injections boost IGF-1, which promotes bone and tissue growth.
- Sustanon stores fat that can be used for energy.
- Sustanon boosts gym performance.
- Strengthens muscles.
- Sustanon users can conduct intense workouts.
- Sustanon is used for bulking and trimming.
Side Effects
Use of Sustanon 500 can result in a number of side effects. Some of which include:
- Breast pains
- Gynecomastia, male breast hypertrophy.
- Headaches.
- Mood shifts might occur.
- Depression.
- Irritability.
- Changes in sex drive.
- Bloating.
- Cholesterol change.
- Nausea.
Where to buy Supra Testosterone 500
Whenever bodybuilders want to buy steroids online and a Reliable Source, it’s always expected that the steroids shop they buy from – Rapid Gainz, for example – has the products they desire. And luckily, Rapid Gainz has Supra-Testosterone 500 mg/ml in stock.
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